
Hard Topics

 I used to think rocket propulsion was calculated similar to how aircraft propulsion is calculated, but now I know it is similar however different due to the limited burn time you must add into the equation for rocket propulsion.  In the article titled Rocket Performance by The University of Maryland, they describe the complexity of rocket propulsion in depth and it is nothing like calculating aircraft propulsion. The key factor in rocket propulsion in time. Time is limited and or tried to be obtained through sometimes several rocket stages. In addition, the rocket burns fuel so fast that the mass of the rocket changes every second it is in operation. This   simple calculation is a great start to help calculate how much fuel is needed to propel a rocket into various depths of orbit or space.  Photo retrieved from References Akin, D. (2016). Rocket Performance. Retrieved from https://spacecraft....

Addressing Complexity

Addressing Complexity      Hello, and welcome back to my blog. This week I am going to discuss complexity and how I have seen it addressed in my work place.           From the reading in this weeks lesson, complexity can be addressed in multiple ways. I am going to describe how it is addresses where I work.      First of all, I work for a major aircraft company as I have stated before and some of the information I would like to get into detail about is proprietary and there for I will speak in general industry standard terms.      One of the most complex thing we do is to develop a heavy maintenance cost and schedule to present for proposal to our customers. This has a great many constraints, objectives, and time limits presented by the formal customer request for cost and schedule response.      Once we receive this request, we immed...

Statistics in Action

Provide an original example of the concept that shows its applicability in any context (e.g., work, academia, industry, government, personal life, and society).     The best example I can think of for showing statistics in action is what we use at work. I work for a major aircraft manufacturing and modification company and we do some very large projects. When we do these projects we create a project plan, budget, and schedule. we then take all the data from those three primary variables and create a Earned Value Management (EVM) tool. The best part of EVM is that is show our customers along with our management team where we are with the project. this tool updates real time and asses job closures, time spent on the job, and if the job started and closed on schedule and on budget.      The primary function of EVM is to answer the question as to what have we done, where are we now, where are we going, are we on schedule, and are we on budget.  ...

Probability in Action

    My example is from a work experience I had estimating a maintenance action for cost and duration. This is done by taking the base line scope of the job or requirements and matching them with the required timeline to determine what inputs and outputs can be expected accomplishing the task.  Lets call this job X. the first thing we do is to go into our database and pull history on job X and see if we have done this work before. Once we have the history it may look something like this.           #1` Job X.      20 hours.       2 heads.         2 days            #2 Job X.       15 hours.       2 heads          2 days           #3 Job X.       24 hours        1 head            2...


 Hello, My name is Jesse Ridenour, I am a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University and I am currently working on my MSSE degree.  I have over 25 years experience working on, around and with all types of aircraft and aircraft systems. I also have experience managing aviation related projects and programs.  This blog is here to display various information I plan to research during the completion of my current course SYSE 515 Math Applications in System Engineering.  I am looking forward to hearing what others can provide into my research and studies and perhaps gain a new perspective on the various topics posted in this blog.  ---Jesse R