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I used to think rocket propulsion was calculated similar to how aircraft propulsion is calculated, but now I know it is similar however different due to the limited burn time you must add into the equation for rocket propulsion. In the article titled Rocket Performance by The University of Maryland, they describe the complexity of rocket propulsion in depth and it is nothing like calculating aircraft propulsion. The key factor in rocket propulsion in time. Time is limited and or tried to be obtained through sometimes several rocket stages. In addition, the rocket burns fuel so fast that the mass of the rocket changes every second it is in operation. This simple calculation is a great start to help calculate how much fuel is needed to propel a rocket into various depths of orbit or space. Photo retrieved from https://spacecraft.ssl.umd.edu/academics/791S16/791S16L03.rocket_perf.pdf References Akin, D. (2016). Rocket Performance. Retrieved from https://spacecraft....